Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kindergarten in September...

Well it’s hard to believe that in just a couple of short months, Aislynn will be starting full time kindergarten,all day, Monday to Friday. We recently had a parent information night, where I got to talk very briefly with the teacher about Aislynn’s peanut allergy. She assured me that the school is peanut free and that Aislynn’s EpiPen would stay in the office and that they can run really fast if they ever need to. WELL, the first thing I noticed at that point was the distance between the kindergarten class room and the office. WTF. I’m sorry but this makes me extremely nervous. Even if the office was located directly across the hall from her classroom, I’d still be nervous. But the office and the classroom are at opposite ends of the school!! Why can’t her Epipen stay in the classroom? Because the teacher is worried that the wrong child will get their hands on it. Well I do understand safety concerns on this, but my child’s life can depend on how fast that Epipen is administered. And I will be fighting this. I know for a fact that other schools in our area allow Epipens to stay in a kindergarten classroom, either up high or in the teacher’s desk.

Anyway in the meantime, my hubby and I are trying to prepare ourselves and our daughter for this new chapter. Recently, another mom of food allergic children gave me a wonderful idea. I mentioned how we are teaching Aislynn not to share her food or take food from others, and especially when she goes to school. This mom suggested using special stickers on her lunch snacks everyday – on Ziploc bags or containers and that way she learns to only eat the food that mommy and daddy packs for her. GREAT IDEA!!  Now I took this a little bit further and last night I made her personalized stickers using those little address labels and my home printer. They won’t last through a dishwasher, but I printed 30 per page and even though they are “disposable”, they are extremely cheap and easy!! Take a look!

Anyone have any more school preparation ideas for food allergic children?


  1. Maybe she can carry the epipen herself. Lots of kids with bee or wasp allergies carry epipens in fanny packs so they can take them to the playgroud, gym, lunchroom etc.


  2. Thanks Kaylyn.. I also asked the school about this.. they think she's too young. She has one of those "Kozi Epi" cases to wear around her waist, so it would be perfect. But I am still going to request a meeting with the Principal to discuss all options. :)

  3. Surely there is some place in the room that would be suitable for her epipen!?
    Like you've said though, i think the key is making sure Aislynn understands because unless you've seen what an allergy like that can do, you can never be too safe!
    Hope the school works with you a little better!
